Is this Art?

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  Is this art?

Is this something beautiful or meaningful?


 Is this a masterpiece?

Does this seem like the artist used his skills and intentions to create something meaningful?
Is this extraordinary and does it trigger something in you?

Some of those photos do really exist, outside of my laptop, outside of the file called 'blogadcfwhcjeh' 
With a  different background, a professionell model and better lighting. 
i just recreated them (badly).

Some of those I just took for fun,like 15 minutes ago.
Do you see the difference?

I could have used the originals, like i said, the concept of some of those already exists, I just didn’t want to get copyright issues or say something bad about the work of others and actually I wanted to see, if  I could do it. if i and a very bad webcam could recreate photos that are somewhere out there and way more popular and aesthetic than anything i could ever create.

 If this is art, then art is easy.
 It was easy perform those poses and it didn't took long to take a picture.

Does this make them less special, less 'arty'? Are they worthless, now that I just copyed them? Or are they the better ones, in comparison to those i took without an model?

What even is art?

Art is without a doubt one of the most undefinable things in this world.
Art is basically that what happens when humans do stuff with a certain intention, or maybe even without. 
Art is a product of the brain and the hands, something that starts in your mind and ends on a piece of paper or in a photograph or as a performance or in a movie – the possibilities are endless.

Art is a meal you cook, art is your outfit, art is the face of your favorite person.

Art is everything, as long as it transports a message, as long as it’s is interpretable by anyone, as long as you can see a representation of an emotions or a situation or a word or basically anything, as long as you can read something in it, it is art.

Sometimes, art is beautiful. 
Sometimes, art is ridiculous. 
Sometimes, art is quiet, a few lines on a paper, sometimes art is a 20-million-dollar-production in the cinema. 
Sometimes art is in intimate. Sometimes it’s funny. Sometimes a  nude human being, sometimes a sleeping cat, sometimes a dying tree, sometimes just colour.

Art is everything, everything is art, but at the same time nothing. 
Art is something different for everyone.

What does art mean to you?

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