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You were the one I read in books about,
the one I saw on tv, the boy out of love movies,
sadly my life was never romantic fiction.

Every coldplay song was written about you,
i still can't listen to most of them.
You were everything I was never brave enough to be,
I wasn’t even brave enough to tell you.

The first one I got close to, the first one I trusted more than anyone else,
the first one I loved more than one could ever love oneself,
the first one who saw everything,
the first one who broke me to pieces I never could put back together again.

The one after that was everything I knew I was as well,
but louder and more carefree,
I waited 6 years until I told him,
he answered not loud enough and careless.

I never wanted to leave, you wanted to keep me around,
I wanted to be yours, you wanted me to be one of them,
I wanted everything, you wanted most parts,
I left, you never ran after me.

We discussed a lot, we fought with passion and aggression,
we couldn’t stand each other’s guts,
I miss you so much.

For the first time someone chose me before I chose them.
You were a lot of my first times.
You chose me over her.
You offered me your everything before i even chose you. 
We chose eachother for a while. 
But then you chose someone else over me.

I knew you were like me from the start, we got along fantastically
and seeing myself in you made me see so much more
about the person I am and I aspire to be.
Sadly you couldn’t stand the fact that I was just like you,
because you hated the way you look and couldn't stand mirrors.

You did know
that you didn't know if you wanted me
and i did know,
that i didnt want someone
 had to think twice before choosing me.

The one who gave up before trying,
the one who keeps coming around but is too afraid to stay,
the one I want to trust the most or even just again,
the one who will probably hurt just like everyone before.

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