The case of the closet or the mysterious mystery of Lili’s sexuality

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I've always been fascinated by girls way more than by boys.
My first celebrity crushes have been girls and my first real life crushes have been girls too, even though I just thought that I wanted to be like them rather than to be with them.

I did not grow up in a particulary conservative household, but in a very religious community and I never even knew about anything other besides heterosexual people until I was a teenager with an internet connection and even then, I had a very one-dimensional image of what “gay” people were and never met anyone with that sexual orientation in real life.

Fast forward a few years, Lili’s now a teenager, still very into women and still very much not aware of that.
Probably because I was more focused on my guy crushes, because I could talk with my friends about them and relate to their guy-girl-experiences, while I seemed to have no one I could talk with about my not very heterosexual thoughts.

Then other stuff happened and I was way too busy with almost dying than to be thinking about my love life or the genitals of other people.

It took me a long time until I realized that I could not escape my nature.
And it took a very pretty, very gay girl on twitter, to catapult me out of the closet and into the world of new possibilities.
I fell in love.
And I thought I might have been gay all along.

But I still very much fancied men as well.
I had still encounters with men and boyfriends but then with women as well.

It took a lot of googling and talking to almost strangers, before I had the feeling that I found out what was “”wrong””” with me.

I’ve been out of the closet to most of my friends and the closest family members for over a year now and even though I’m not 100% comfortable with labeling my sexuality as flat out bisexual, I’ve been working on accepting the fact that I’m right now attracted to both men and women and still working on finding out, which gender I prefer (which changes a lot on a monthly basis), mostly by making out with them - which isn’t the worst way to investigate in a case, don’t you think?

[Warnung vor explizitem content, nicht jugendfrei]

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