Defending yourself against animals, predators and Pepper

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Sam Pepper is a great human being. 
All his actions are so thought- and respectful and he really knows how to treat other people right. Everything he does serves a great purpose, his fame is justified and his videos make such a big change in our world.

Part 2/3
He’s a genius! Disguising a clever social experiment as a harmful prank! All glory to him! 
And he’s so into feminismsisms and equalitititititiy, he did it to men too! 
What a great guy! You’re all so dumb for hating him and not seeing the obvious! 
He’s raising awareness with doing the exact same wrong thing that he later states to despise, that’s absolutly logical! 
And it’s not sexist or degrading, he filmed it, so it’s art!

Part 3/3
Power, control, influence.
3 things that always seem to be in the wrong hands.
Politicians, celebrities, parents and teachers abuse their power over other people way too often without enough people even noticing it.

We all go through the world searching for idols and special people we can look up to.
We want someone we can identify with, who we adore and who can inspire us to become a better person. We need someone to go to when we are confused or helpless, someone who can guide us through this adventure that is life.
Every now and then we’ll find someone like that, a person that seems to have such a great personality, charming, kind, motivating and worth all of our attention and money.
Those people who gain attention from others are dealing with a lot of responsibility.
There will always be people that believe everything that person will say, that are easy to manipulate, naïve or just lost and trustworthy and in their blindness they’ll do anything this person asks them to do.
Having an audience of over 2 million people is a lot of power for one person to handle and can easily be misused - accidentally or maybe fully aware of making a mistake, I’m in no position to judge that.

The point is, we all make mistakes, they are unavoidable. 
Yes, if you put a bit more thoughts into your work, some mistakes won’t even happen, but okay, it happened, we can’t turn back time.
The reaction is over-whelming and unbearable for this youtuber who might be part of a big machinery with management and assistants, but who is still “just” a young man. 
Poor boy, unable to handle the consequences of his own behaviour.
He starts to panic, is about to lose everything he earned, losing a big fanbase and the respect of other entertainers, what could he do to save his ass?

Part 4/3
The right answer is: damage control. 
Don’t you dare to apologize for being an asshole, a horrible role model and a disgrace of a human being. 
You should post more videos about grabbing people’s asses and then one revealing one, where you get a poorly written script, read it in front of a camera, about how you wanted to raise awareness, wrap it all up with a tragic backstory and voilà; that will do.

You are happy and satisfied because you are soo clever. 
Part of your fanbase believes you automatically. They compliment you for your original idea, love you for doing something for this great cause. 
I admit, I underestimated their intelligence.
But you overestimated your cleverness, the power of your PR-team and the credulity of the rest of the internet.
This will backfire.


picture source: visited 23.9.14

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Popping the cherry, licking the banana and other fun fruits stuff

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Well that’s a topic we all like to discuss, don't we?
And one that we all like to label over and over again.
Gay straight, lesbian, bi, pansexual, asexual, - 

If you've read every blog post I posted in the last 732738 months here, you’ll notice the little * after every word that could be used in a sexual context, especially after all the “straight”s.
It doesn’t really mean anything, I just wanted to use it as a fun way to come out and say: Remember how I always use the word straight in my poems? Isn't it ironic?!

But this is not what this blog post is about. It’s about the almightiness of sex, how it’s everywhere around you,even if you don’t participate in it.

As a young teenager, I thought a lot about sex. Honestly I think every teenager does.
And it’s such a big deal. The whole when-will-I-lose-my-virginity-how-will-it-be-how-does-a-blowjob-feel-like-masturbation-will-(s)he-accept-my-naked-body- should-I-work-out-more-and-eat-less- how-much-hair-is-okay  – all those things were important to us at some point and maybe still are with every new partner.

Sex and sexuality are such big (just like my penis) and important topics and I wanted to use this blog post to talk with you about my love for innuendos - sorry, about all the different kinds of sexual preferences, about how sexuality is not a black/white thing, how you are never 100% gay or 100% straight, but always somewhere inbetween on a scale and how you can be 36% gay and 64% straight and identifiy as bi or 50/50% and still be bi and how there is so much more you need to know about pansexuality, asexuality and the whole gender issue.

Homo- and transphobia would have been a point, religion and the church, coming out, going on dates, accepting yourself, being accepted by others, prejudices and facts about the different kind of labels, why labels are important and why you actually don’t have to label what your heart or your genitals want.

I wanted to address slutshaming and cat calling, how never having sex or not enjoying it is as okay as having loads of it with different people and loving it.

i wanted to write about how sex is still a taboo in our society and even though everyone always talks about it we are not informed enough, about how porn is easier available than contraceptives and how you are into weird fetishes but find homosexuality disgusting.

I had it all worked out and planned, asked friends to ghostwrite me some stuff about their experience, but then tonight happened.

We live in such an over-sexualized world, tits are basically everywhere, nothing works without half-naked people on covers or in magazines, every tv show gets more popular when you add some steamy sex scenes, no matter how unrealistic they are, as long as they turn the viewers on and they don’t turn their tv off.

Casual sex and one-night-stands seemed always normal to me. I never judged someone based on their sexual experience or preferences, at least I hope so, and talking about it with my parents/friends/partners/strangers was never an issue.

I’ve never pressured someone into having sex with me, neither have I let myself get talked into intercourse, if I didn’t want it to 100% myself. 
I haven't made the worst possible experiences.

Furthermore, i never believed in the whole stereotype, that men just think with their penises, that they all just want that one thing from you and so on.
Until now.

I still believe that there are some penis-(and vagina-)owners out there, that don’t try to hump everything they see immediately, that are able to have a conversation without thinking about the other human being naked or who care about an individual and be there for them without only having sex as a motivation and aspiration in their mind. But they seem to be rare.

I think emotional intimacy, insightful conversations, having fun without exchanging body fluids, taking care of eachother, security and love on a other level than physical attraction is possible and this kind of connection or feeling of affection is a main desire of every being.

In my opinion sexual needs are a secondary thing and not something that needs to dominate the human mind 25/8.

In my experience until this day, it’s still the only thing people want from eachother.


source of the picture "USEFUL, NAKED AND STILL LIFE"  by Holger Niehaus; (visited 20/9/14)

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In the end we just smile at random pictures on the internet

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Have you ever thought about how the children that make our shoes somewhere in india walk barefoot?
Little kids spent over 12 hours a day in dirty streets or poisened factories,so that we can feel a little bit prettier.
Illegal child labour happens right in front of our eyes, wherefore do I need you to look deeper in mine instead of noticing the really important things going on?

Have you ever imagined how sick the cows are before they die and get eaten?
If I just take a quick look behind the curtains of the meat industry,
I couldn’t eat as much as I want to throw up, whenever I see bacon again.
Animals get treated so badly, how dare I to complain about how you never loved me enough, when some creatures never get any affection at all?

There are male human beings, that think they own the right to decide what’s right and wrong for the soul and reproduction system of women all over the world.
Feminism still isn’t the same as common sense, but it should be, 
why do I even bother craving your attention and admiration, if a whole gender can’t even get their well-deserved respect?
Have you ever thought, wow this world is such a shitty place: 
young children die at work, animals suffer so we can enjoy a burger and men oppress fellow human beings, just because they were born a certain way – all those things are reasons to be sad, 
but I- from all those reasons - i chose to lay depressed in bed, 
because you broke my heart.


In therapy you try to lift the duvet of your past to uncover the hidden secrets of your childhood, how your mother might never loved you and how your father loved you too much, how she never hugged you and he touched you  too much, how she left and didn’t seem to care and how he came closer and cared even less.

In bed, whenever i layed awake, which is always,  I didn’t dare to leave the hot, dark uterus that was the space under my blanket , I almost couldn’t breathe, but I rather suffocated in my safe place than get crushed by the open space.
I can see the dance of obligation, fault and guilt in the shadows on my ceiling, I can’t look away but they don’t bother to notice me and aspiration, we’re watching them silently while incitement and incitation are still sleeping.

In the night sky,starring at the firmament and at the ticking clock, 1.30,  looking for answers in the stars, I couldn’t find anything but light dots on a dark surface, dead stars on a giant graveyard, over-romantisized pieces of dirt on a black canvas.
We tell the waiting people that ‘no answer is an answer aswell’, but let’s be honest, no answer is just a never ending vacuum of false interpretation, anxious boredom and dying hope.

In the real world, we cover up our wounds and close the curtains behind our eyes, never see, never feel, never be more than a working system, lay down with lovers and get up as strangers,  keep all the problems under the duvet and don’t you dare to stay there with them.
In the end we’re all leaking wrecks, sinking ships that barely left the haven and drowning, while we smile at random pictures on the internet.

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this started as a blog post and then went downhill from there

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Henni adressed this once (probably more often but i just remember that one time) where she talked about how she feels like she gets bad at taking care of herself.

I never understood this when I was younger, like, why wouldn’t you feed yourself and drink and shower and go outside, those are the basic things, why would you force yourself not to do them?
The thing is, taking care of yourself means so much more. It means accepting yourself, telling yourself, that your feelings and moods are valid and that you are worth eating and taking up space. That crawling under your bed and starving yourself won’t help you with anything. Punishing yourself or just letting those basic needs slip away and ignoring your empty stomach shouldn’t be okay.

Right now I’m in one of those phases were I don’t feel like I’ve earned the right to be here, dressing myself seems like too much effort, I’m not important or worthy enough to make myself leave the bed and cook something for me.

Something my therapist told me, as I called her up a few hours ago - crying in the middle of the street, because I couldn’t make myself move anymore -  was, that i never learned how to take care of myself.
Not in a i-cant-cook-or-live-on-my-own-kinda-way, but in terms of emotional care.
I never learned to hug myself, talk to myself nicely; I adopted a way of speaking to myself, that wasn’t healthy for me, because that’s how people spoke to me and my therapist assured me that that’s not the way you speak to a scared child.
I developed a lot of bad habits throughout the years because of how I thought I needed to treat myself, I got into abusive relationships, ate nothing or too much, forced myself to do certain stuff or to not do things I wanted to do and harmed myself in other ways.

I’m not able to calm myself down or treat myself the way I should, I’m too afraid to be depressed and actually too exhausted to panic, but still on edge for hours now.


Nobody is able to give a fuck
Every time I get bad again, I drift away and leave everyone behind.
I’m alone when I feel lonely and that is a bad combination.

I’ll manage it somehow, my therapist will call almost every day to make sure that I’m still alive and breathing and I’ll get over it and on with that thing I call my life.

It’s actually not that bad. No one notices how much or how less I eat, or when, no one is disappointed, when I’m in my PJs for a week straight or when I take 3 naps a day.
No one gives me a bad look, when I sit in the bathroom at 2 am and crying and no one will be angry, when I do the same at 8 o’ clock in the morning on the kitchen floor.
I can be as destructive and self-harming as I like, no one’s there to stop me or to tell me that I should get my shit together.

It’s kind auf nice to be able just to let it out, whenever it needs to get out.
But at the same time no one’s there to try to calm me down, when I wake up in the middle of the night,  screaming and scared to death, no one will look after me, when I sit next to toilette, sweaty and feeling sick, about to faint.

Then everybody will get back and start judging:
being mad at me for not living my life to my full potential, for spending my days in my bed and shouting at me, when I’m crying and shaking, because they can’t see it.

I dragged myself outside, with this last piece of hope and went to the supermarket to pick up frozen pizza or bread or something for my upset stomach and I cried all the way back to the house, because it was so exhausting and too much to handle and I had 3 panic attacks in the store with every one watching me like I lost my fucking mind and had to leave and break down on the sidewalk hyperventilating, wander lost around the streets, maybe twice, just to gather enough strength to make it to the cashier.

They will look at me while I’m down, almost dying and tell me, sometimes  louder than necessary that they didn’t do anything wrong. That they were the perfect parents/boyfriend/friend and that it’s not there fault.

Just like I would stand beside a burning house, hearing the family inside scream and screaming back: I’m sorry, I can’t help, it’s not my fault, I didn’t set the fire!

My parents are in denial for years now and I don’t think anything will ever get through to them. It doesn't matter if I’ve been in 2 different clinics in the past 3 years, had multiple therapists and it doesn'T matter whether i took prescriptive meds for and against basically everything or nothing at all - they look at me in this certain way, like I’m a stranger, expecting me to snap out of it any second.
They don’t even bother to cover up the fact that they are so annoyed of me being me, so tired of everything being so hard to handle.

It’s just so nerve-wrecking, being not able to exist in your own body, nevermind in your own head and then watching the people around you, who you should be able to trust and feel save with, treating you like you are a burden, emphasizing your own self-image in the worst way possible.

When I force myself out of bed in the late afternoon, to make myself eggs on toast and to keep myself a little longer alive, people will comment on my eating behavior, tell me I’m feeling like shit because I eat the wrong stuff or too much or not enough, try to blame food for the chemicals in my brain,like I did all those years ago.

But that’s not it.


I had four panic attacks last evening/night and I was so utterly terrified that I thought the world would just cave in and bury my alive.

Nothing happened. Not even my room moved the slightest and I feel so dumb for being so scared and paranoid and at the same time I still feel this way so it’s again like betraying myself, not accepting those bad thoughts and instead treating myself like a nutcase.
Maybe I actually am losing my mind.

I don’t remember what the whole point of this is, what I wanted to tell the world, what I want my friends to think of me, this should have been a blog post about self-care and getting better, but i don't feel like lying today. 

Instead it's about how I’m thinking about quitting uni (again), about how I stopped seeing my therapist and stopped taking my meds (again), about how I might need to go into hospital (again), maybe this night because I’m unable to function in any way, about how scared I am of losing myself (again), about how i can't remember how it felt before and i'm terrified of never being able to feel right again, about how everything turned into one big nightmare and I can't wake up.

I don’t know what I want to say with this. I could write it in a diary and in my mother tongue, but it seems to me that I need this language to establish a border between myself and what happens in my life.
Nobody knows what’s really going on in my life, I normally don’t talk about it or at least try not to spent too much time in the role of the poor little (big) girl that feels so sorry for herself, that wants attention and everyone to love her, I try to keep it bottled up, but the one’s of you, that actually met me once or twice or even almost every day for 8 years in a row, see through my internet personality, see the person behind peetapun and actually saw me sitting one the sidewalk not being able to breathe or watched me crying in public toilets. I know it’s never fun and games with me, I know I cancel more dates then I ever show up to, I arrive too late and leave too early, I’m not a good talker, a bad listener and just in general  not a likeable person.

Maybe I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows, that I’m still suffering, more than ever, because all I seem to do is tweet not really funny and insinuating stuff or write a blog post convincing myself how deep and thoughtful and clever I am, creating this image of myself how i want humanity to adore me, when all I actually do is trying not to be me.

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Is this Art?

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  Is this art?

Is this something beautiful or meaningful?


 Is this a masterpiece?

Does this seem like the artist used his skills and intentions to create something meaningful?
Is this extraordinary and does it trigger something in you?

Some of those photos do really exist, outside of my laptop, outside of the file called 'blogadcfwhcjeh' 
With a  different background, a professionell model and better lighting. 
i just recreated them (badly).

Some of those I just took for fun,like 15 minutes ago.
Do you see the difference?

I could have used the originals, like i said, the concept of some of those already exists, I just didn’t want to get copyright issues or say something bad about the work of others and actually I wanted to see, if  I could do it. if i and a very bad webcam could recreate photos that are somewhere out there and way more popular and aesthetic than anything i could ever create.

 If this is art, then art is easy.
 It was easy perform those poses and it didn't took long to take a picture.

Does this make them less special, less 'arty'? Are they worthless, now that I just copyed them? Or are they the better ones, in comparison to those i took without an model?

What even is art?

Art is without a doubt one of the most undefinable things in this world.
Art is basically that what happens when humans do stuff with a certain intention, or maybe even without. 
Art is a product of the brain and the hands, something that starts in your mind and ends on a piece of paper or in a photograph or as a performance or in a movie – the possibilities are endless.

Art is a meal you cook, art is your outfit, art is the face of your favorite person.

Art is everything, as long as it transports a message, as long as it’s is interpretable by anyone, as long as you can see a representation of an emotions or a situation or a word or basically anything, as long as you can read something in it, it is art.

Sometimes, art is beautiful. 
Sometimes, art is ridiculous. 
Sometimes, art is quiet, a few lines on a paper, sometimes art is a 20-million-dollar-production in the cinema. 
Sometimes art is in intimate. Sometimes it’s funny. Sometimes a  nude human being, sometimes a sleeping cat, sometimes a dying tree, sometimes just colour.

Art is everything, everything is art, but at the same time nothing. 
Art is something different for everyone.

What does art mean to you?

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Not so frequently asked questions

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Who’s the happiest person on earth and who’s the unhappiest?

the unhappiest human being is the (wo)man who has no more expectations  from or questions about the universe and the happiest is not the one who already knows it all, but the one who has someone to ask all her/his questions, especially the important one.

Do you always want your friends to tell you the truth?

No. I want them to tell me the truth if I’m about to do something I might regret or if they know something that’s important for me to know in regards of my future. 
I don’t want them to be honest when I need acknowledgment or maybe a compliment, I don’t want them to tell me that I look ugly, when I feel beautiful or to tell me that my nose is imperfect, when they could tell me white lies instead, so I still feel good about myself.

Does reality exist? Or is it a concept that humanity made up?

Everyone has their one reality and we all live in a world with multiple realities. 
The difficult part is to find people who share your perspective or who contribute to your world with another point of view without labeling your reality as wrong.

What makes someone happy?

The knowledge of who you are, what you want and how you can achieve it

When is it love?

when isn’t it love? It always should be love, instead of hate. 
Why wait to love someone when you can start now? 
Love them before you get to know them, love them before you’ve met them, love them as a matter of principle and just for the sake of it. It’s never too early to start loving someone and never to late to keep on loving. There’s always space for negative feelings later on.

Do you believe in god?

No but I wish I could

What do you believe in? 


In one word, what’s standing between you and your biggest goal?


If you could ask one person just one question and they would have to answer honestly, what would you ask?

Was it my fault that you didn't love me enough?

What is your greatest addiction?

the lives of strangers

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?


Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Sometimes never trying prevents you from having the traumatic scars of failure, sometimes never trying means keeping the dream alive without killing it with reality

If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

Because life isn’t short, it’s the longest period of time a human being can experience.
And that means that we have to do stuff we hate to be able to do stuff we like. Sometimes we don’t have as much time as we thought we would and we did all the boring stuff and never tried the fun one.

If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

Our school system would be different, education shorter and all the teenagers would be running around searching for a partner to mate with. so...basically i'd do everything exactly the same.

Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

I’m more worried about doing the right thing, I always think about different opportunities, but never start doing anything. 

You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?

Talk with them about it, tell them what I think and see how they react. If they still behave disrespectful, I’d leave and look for new people to admire

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Once you start being stressed and depressed it’s so hard to be happy and calm again. Enjoy your childhood as much as you can and try to take some of the child-like spirit into adulthood, you’ll need it.

Would you break the law to save a loved one?


Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

Yes and I hope I’ll be one of those cases

What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

Coping with daily live, I get so fucking stressed out by just existing, nevermind eating, talking or actually doing stuff outside

How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

Everyone has a different concept of happiness and that diversity is important, otherwise there would be many jobs no one would like to do and everyone would be doing the same thing

What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back?

I want to do everything, but the lack of motivation, money and courage is stopping me

Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

Like the drowning man holds on to an anchor

If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

England, brighton. Because of the sea and in my head life there would be wonderful

Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

No, but for some people that might give them a sense of control, even if they don’t have any over the speed of an elevator.

Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

I’d give up everything,every piece of intelligence, good looks, talent and creativity I own so I could just be happy

Why are you, you?

Because of accident, bad timing and weird star constellations

Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

as far as it’s for me possible…I hope so

Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

The feeling of losing touch, of emotionally drifting away while you actually still could touch them.

What are you most grateful for?

Having choices

Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

I’d rather lose everything I ever experienced than not being able to make new memories

Has your greatest fear ever come true?

I’m not sure, everytime something I feared happened, my mind shifted and my biggest fear became something different, something unreachable, until I reached it again. in general one of my biggest fears are drowning and losing control - i've already been too long underwater twice and needed to be saved and i've lost control over things multiple times

Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now?

I do remember many times in the past where I’ve been deeply sad and yes, I still think about it

Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?


Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

Because people forget the big picture and confuse power with freedom

Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

Not always

Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

If I enjoy it, is it still work?

Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

Yes and I hate this feeling. I dont want my life to be the same year 70 times over again

When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

I don’t think that ever happened to me, i always have to think everything through

If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

The person who wants to see me

Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

If that means that I automatically became happy at the same time, then yes.

What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

Being alive is just a thing of a few biological signs, living is so much more

If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

Because making a mistake doesn’t mean we always learn something, sometimes we just keep making the same mistake because we don’t know what else to do

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?


When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

Right know

What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

I don’t think that there’s any human being I really love anymore. At the same time I don’t think that anyone feels that way about me, because I don’t have any close friends or a good relationship with my family members

Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

Neither one. I wish someone else would just tell me what to do, what’s best for me and I could stop worrying


Most of the questions are from this site: (visited 4/9/14)

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