Last Night I dreamed I ate out a girl again

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My Sexuality

I first started questioning my sexuality when I was 13 and hadn’t been kissed. 
It was something that really bugged me because I really liked a guy and I knew he had girlfriends before and I felt inexperienced. 
My best Friend at the time, H., had moved away a couple of months earlier and was having a sleep over at my house. As I told her how I felt we suddenly had a solution. I would practice my first Kiss with her, like all the girls in the trashy romance novels we read did.

The kiss was good and we didn’t stop after kissing once and my first nearly sexual experience was with a girl. I won’t go into detail, even though I know some people would like to hear how passionate it went - but we were just thirteen year-old girls.

After that, me and that guy became a couple but H. and I had conversations about how I was questioning if I was gay. 
I didn’t know about terms like Pan-, Bi- or Asexuality and I put all thoughts of it behind a big wall in my brain and ignored it. 
It helped my troubled teenager mind and I did not care about it other than to tell boys stories about me and other girls that would turn them on.

Y. and I got to know each other on twitter. 
She was two years older than me and conveniently lived in my area. 
We met a couple of times through the years and I kissed her a couple of times but it was never serious. 
Most of the times we both had boyfriends and I can’t speak for her but I believed she was more into boys than me but I can’t fault her for that nor can I be sure about it.

Somewhere between kissing Y. and now, I decided I was bisexual. 
Not a lot of people know about it. 
I told a couple of trustworthy friends, of which some already figured it out themselves.  
I was never secretive about being turned on by girls or women and I am glad to say that none of them was openly shocked or angry or told anyone I didn’t want to know. 
The Internet knows, I think my Mum suspected for some time but as I am currently in love with a boy, she does not care. 

I am afraid of telling my sister or my cousins because I heard them making derogatory comments about a lesbian couple. 
I sometimes dream of eating out a girl. 
Maybe I’ll someday find that I am not romantically attracted to Women
But until then, I’m bisexual and I am glad I figured it out. 

It does not matter how many people know right now and how many of them really accept it. 
What matters most to me is that I accepted this part of me as something that is there and which doesn’t need changing


there will be some more blog posts about sexuality, gender (and everything you want to read or write about) in terms of this topics in the following weeks -

I'll try my best to write something about it, but i'm the jon snow of sexual orientation and gender issues, so please, if you are interested in writing about it or know things the world should know, contact me via facebook or twitter or in the comments and you can give your words a place to be heared and (almost) every opinion will get published \o/

source of the picture: screenshot from the movie "black swan", (2010) directed by Darren Aronofsky 

1 comment :

  1. There is not such thing as being bisexual. U r gey and should leave men alone. They dont deserve to be part of your self lie.
