Popping the cherry, licking the banana and other fun fruits stuff

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Well that’s a topic we all like to discuss, don't we?
And one that we all like to label over and over again.
Gay straight, lesbian, bi, pansexual, asexual, - 

If you've read every blog post I posted in the last 732738 months here, you’ll notice the little * after every word that could be used in a sexual context, especially after all the “straight”s.
It doesn’t really mean anything, I just wanted to use it as a fun way to come out and say: Remember how I always use the word straight in my poems? Isn't it ironic?!

But this is not what this blog post is about. It’s about the almightiness of sex, how it’s everywhere around you,even if you don’t participate in it.

As a young teenager, I thought a lot about sex. Honestly I think every teenager does.
And it’s such a big deal. The whole when-will-I-lose-my-virginity-how-will-it-be-how-does-a-blowjob-feel-like-masturbation-will-(s)he-accept-my-naked-body- should-I-work-out-more-and-eat-less- how-much-hair-is-okay  – all those things were important to us at some point and maybe still are with every new partner.

Sex and sexuality are such big (just like my penis) and important topics and I wanted to use this blog post to talk with you about my love for innuendos - sorry, about all the different kinds of sexual preferences, about how sexuality is not a black/white thing, how you are never 100% gay or 100% straight, but always somewhere inbetween on a scale and how you can be 36% gay and 64% straight and identifiy as bi or 50/50% and still be bi and how there is so much more you need to know about pansexuality, asexuality and the whole gender issue.

Homo- and transphobia would have been a point, religion and the church, coming out, going on dates, accepting yourself, being accepted by others, prejudices and facts about the different kind of labels, why labels are important and why you actually don’t have to label what your heart or your genitals want.

I wanted to address slutshaming and cat calling, how never having sex or not enjoying it is as okay as having loads of it with different people and loving it.

i wanted to write about how sex is still a taboo in our society and even though everyone always talks about it we are not informed enough, about how porn is easier available than contraceptives and how you are into weird fetishes but find homosexuality disgusting.

I had it all worked out and planned, asked friends to ghostwrite me some stuff about their experience, but then tonight happened.

We live in such an over-sexualized world, tits are basically everywhere, nothing works without half-naked people on covers or in magazines, every tv show gets more popular when you add some steamy sex scenes, no matter how unrealistic they are, as long as they turn the viewers on and they don’t turn their tv off.

Casual sex and one-night-stands seemed always normal to me. I never judged someone based on their sexual experience or preferences, at least I hope so, and talking about it with my parents/friends/partners/strangers was never an issue.

I’ve never pressured someone into having sex with me, neither have I let myself get talked into intercourse, if I didn’t want it to 100% myself. 
I haven't made the worst possible experiences.

Furthermore, i never believed in the whole stereotype, that men just think with their penises, that they all just want that one thing from you and so on.
Until now.

I still believe that there are some penis-(and vagina-)owners out there, that don’t try to hump everything they see immediately, that are able to have a conversation without thinking about the other human being naked or who care about an individual and be there for them without only having sex as a motivation and aspiration in their mind. But they seem to be rare.

I think emotional intimacy, insightful conversations, having fun without exchanging body fluids, taking care of eachother, security and love on a other level than physical attraction is possible and this kind of connection or feeling of affection is a main desire of every being.

In my opinion sexual needs are a secondary thing and not something that needs to dominate the human mind 25/8.

In my experience until this day, it’s still the only thing people want from eachother.


source of the picture "USEFUL, NAKED AND STILL LIFE"  by Holger Niehaus; http://www.pichaus.com/ (visited 20/9/14)

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