something old, something new, some plain sorrow, something blue.

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i thought about using new words for you,
but the situation is not new.
we broke up a hundred times before.
i thougt about creating new rhymes for you,
but the feeling of things not adding up,
of everything sounding wrong ist not new,
so i won't do that.

i thought about just using an old blog post for you,
because heartbreak is always the same,
so why not just re-use every old poem that i wrote
with tears in my eyes and blood streaming down my body -
well i cant do that, because every asshole that i dated before you
was a sweet gentleman in comparison to you,
every abuser in my life was a kind friend
in comparison to how you treated me.

i thought about using a new plattform,
maybe a new diary or notebook to document our story,
but oh boy,
i would have to tell so many lies
to fill those blank pages with words worth reading,
i would almost tell as many lies as you.

i also thought about writing with a new pen,
as if the fresh ink would distract the reader
from the naive protagonist, the poor girl
who was so in love with a boy and human kind and the good in people
that she would just accept everything he did to her,
as long as he did it in the name of love.
she would patiently wait for every punch in the face
because he kissed each bruise afterwards
and smile about every knife in her stomach,
that he stabbed into her and slowly turned,
as long as he put his dick inside her, too.
But even white ink on white paper couldnt hide his crimes.

i thought about writing with a new attitude, a forgiving one,
warm and full of love for memories that never happened
and lies that i told myself to keep me warm at night,
when you didnt hold me.
but then i would be just like you,
gaslighting myself, lying and betraying the person i should love the most,
being the unloyal bastard that i wasted almost two years on.
and thats something i never want to be again.

i thought i admired you, i thought i respected you
and wanted to be more like you, but i was wrong.
i thought my only chance to be loved by you was to become like you,
but the more i behaved like you, the more you hated me -
well dear. i wonder why.
i let you take away the best of me.
you almost got away with making me cold and uncaring,
judgmental and mistrusting, a coward and a cheater.
but i didnt let you win.

in the end, i thought about not writing about you at all,
because you're worth none of my work,
and every word is already spoken
and i have nothing left to say,
but i dont write for you to feel special or to pity me or to take the blame,
i write for myself, because i deserve the closure
and i write for every other girl, that might be unlucky enough to meet you,
and i just want to tell her, run, because you deserve so much better.

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a diary, a book, a poem

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look at me,
born as pure as a blank piece of paper.
and look at me now: i'm crinkled and full of cuts,
full of lies and crossed out words.
and non of those words are mine.
strangers wrote all over me.

i'm full of the traces others left on me,
between the lines you might read
that they treated me like they've been treated before,
so don't blame them for dealing with their pain
in an unhealthy, destructive way,
they never learned to do it differently.

from generation to generation,
you get this burden of tragedy,
wrapped like a nice present under the christmas tree.
you'll wear it with pride and predjudice,
it'll be heavy and smother you, until you panic and run away.
here comes the (bride with the) commitment issues.

9 months pregnant with this foul aftertaste,
the bad words left in your mouth: "love","promise","support",
burning on your tongue like the lies never did.
the truth is hard to swallow,
the knowledge that something isn't right
and not like it should be, chokes you,
but with the right drink everything washes down quickly.

in labour, shouting at the child you're bearing,
as if it's her fault, that she has her father's eyes,
that you once longingly looked into
like you saw a bright future in them.
the baby is born,
or should i say the product of something that nobody would dare to call love.
congrats, it's emotional instability!

for every kiss there is also a fist being placed on a face,
every nice word is worth nothing,
if it's shouted in an ear at night
instead of whispered the next morning.
there's nothing good or pure in this world,
everything we do is based on our own egoistic wishes and twisted perception,
everythig turns to shit at some point, no matter how beautiful it has been.

every blank page of every new notebook
will end up in unreadable scribbles about nothing,
dark ink will sink into the white pages
and turn innocence into something evil.
look at me, born as pure as an empty piece of paper.
and now i'm the diary of a dyfunctional family,
who could write a book about bad decisions
and this is a poem of pain.

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Dinner at Tiffany's

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I’m hungry and I want to get some dinner after I laid in my bed for hours,
i cried and cursed the whole day through
because I couldn’t  stop thinking about you.

This won’t even be poetry so fuck the rhymes, 
I can’t even write -
I’m so stupid.

No actually, people keep telling me that i'm intelligent, 
but obviously not clever enough to do something right.
I know I’m stupid because I thought it would be different this time.
And nothing is more stupid than running in circles forever.

We talk for hours, 
or maybe you just repeat worn-out phrases, while I picture my world around you, 
how I would fit in it, how I could change myself and everything around me,
to wrap my life around your body like a warming blanket.

They say, we have nothing in common 
and all I can think about is this song, 
and too often I feel like Holly, lost and lonely, trying to escape my past life.
and all i have is this strange, orange cat, and a head full of dreams and hopes.

Things that i think i deserve and need to be happy,
things that you won't provide for me.
i want to have  breakfast at tiffany’s, but you just don’t care.
i have had the blues, but now i'm with the mean reds and that's even worse.

Sorry my soul is just a deep blue something, like my eyes,
i know they are not pretty enough,
sorry my brain cells are just full of useless stuff and unbalanced chemicals,
sorry i don't speak your language and sorry for using mine now.

I thought I was one of those people who knew you 
and I felt like you wanted to get to know me,too, 
but after all these months it always feels like it's almost over and i just can't deal with this instability.
I was dropping hints like bricks, but all they did was silently land on my foot and hurt me.

I don't want to go to university by day and into stranger's bedrooms by night,
but i feel so hollow on the inside
and knowledge on it's own just isn't enough to keep me warm at night.

I’ll do the same thing over and over again,
because I go lightly 
and it seems like I enjoy the pain 
as long as it means that I could stay by your side, 
even though you never look at me like Paul looked at Holly.

I’ll wait for you, until you finish your homework,
or come back from work,
until you lived your life and are old and settled down
and there's finally a small place for me 
and I’ll wait for you, until we both turn to dust …

…and the vacuum cleaner get us - 
because fuck cheesy metaphors, I don’t want to wait forever,
not even a small eternity, because i want to live right now,
and not in 10 years. 

I knew life wasn’t a romantic comedy, but at least I tried 
and you’re just a dream maker, a heart breaker, 
I thought we were after the same rainbow’s end, but once again I’ll eat my dinner alone.

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Now i'm here

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It’s been over two years and 4 months since I wrote this blogpost.
It didn’t feel like that much time at all.
I still feel the same as before, but different at the same time. It’s so hard to explain.
So much happened in those months, but I still feel like I was sitting in the emergency room just yesterday.

I know what everyone expects me to say:
I feel so much better. and i honestly do.
I'm doing things. i'm doing almost everything that i want to do.

It's still painful and stressful and much more effort than I want it to be.
But that's just how it is for me. That is part of the game.
and by now i know how to play it.
I’m still not healed. I never will be, i accepted that.
I dared to open up to my therpist, family and friends.
I will no longer hide the ugly old wounds under bad jokes. 
I mean, i still do that, but i try to do it less. I'm no longer ashamed of my past, my present, my needs and feelings.
They are valid. And even though i still can feel myself agreeing with someone who says ‘ you’re not good enough’, i learned to say out loud: 'no, you're wrong.'
I remember the smell of blood and I swear I can feel it running down my arms again, but i haven't seen it in months. 

I’m no longer scared.
I know what it feels like to be with people that i can't stand, to be on my own, to be left behind.
And i know that i can survive all of that.
I’m still afraid of walking into the kitchen at 2am and opening the fridge and then closing i and sliding down to the floor and just suffering from existing with this ungraspable fear and loneliness inside of me, but fear is not the enemy.
I learned, that other people are unable to do many things as well. 
That they have their problems and disabilities.
And in comparison to most of them, i'm so much more lucky and experienced.

I'm now able to point at myself and say:
'Sorry I seem to be a bit messed up, I’ve got this illness and i'm struggling a little bit right now, excuse my shaky hands and my teary eyes.'
And they  understand and nod and take my hand or they don't and then i don't need them in my life anyway.

I'm trying to remember my past, I remember my 14-year-old-self sitting on the bathroom floor in school and crying, 
my 15-year-old-self laying in an empty class room and almost dying, 
my 16-year-old-self drowning in self-hatred and rejection. 
My 17-year-old-self accepting things and just getting numb and more quiet. 
My 18-year-old-self talking to strangers and looking for love in dark alleys, 
my 19-year-old-self becoming angry and arrogant,
my 20-year-old-self shutting down again, worse than ever.
My 21-year-old getting better, risking more, making descisions.
My 22-year-old, better than ever.
Yes, it's still so pointless. But life itself is just pointless.
So why not having fun while suffering?

Earth is still a shitty place and most people are crazy in any way. like not the good crazy. The weird and dangerous crazy.
But i'm planning on changing that. Of course i can't change everything, but i want to make this planet a better place to live on, and the people happier and healthier.

I'm not waiting anymore.
Here I am now. And I’ll  carry on with life, 
 I’ll talk to you in a few months.

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es ist sonntagabend, 00:16 Uhr,
ich liege im bett, hab mich mit  dem typen, den ich gerade date, gestritten, der job war doof heute, studium ist anstrengend und die katze hat gerade ins klo gekackt und alles müffelt.
ich bin unglücklich, und weiß nicht ob das eine aufgekommende depressive phase ist, das bedürfnis nach einem neuen haarschnitt, oder die erkenntnis, dass das leben sinnlos ist.
vermutlich alles so ein bisschen.
oder aber...
die erkenntnis, dass mir eins im leben fehlt.
nicht die große liebe, der durchbruch im job, der totale durchblick im studium oder die perfekte frisur.
sondern einfach eine freundin.
nicht dass ich schon welche hätte, aber ihr kennt das, man sieht sich zu selten, lebt sich auseinander, irgendwie ist es einfach nicht mehr diese bilderbuch-freundschaft, über die man früher gelesen hat oder die man ständig in serien sieht.
ich suche einen hafen zum ankommen, einen fels in der brandung, naja, oder jemand fürs platonische netflix und chill.

das ist so ungefähr die anzeige, die ich schreiben würde.
ich suche einen menschen, der mit mir befreundet sein möchte, das leben teilen, ohne drama, sex und andere probleme, jemand, mit dem man reden kann, über alles und nichts, dinge unternehmen kann und der für regelmäßigen kontakt auch tatsächlich zur verfügung steht.
klingt erbärmlich? ist auch so. das leben ist hart, wenn man klein und einsam ist, umgeben von bekannten und freunden, aber so der beste mensch ist trotzdem nicht dabei.

was ich biete?
drama - emotionales, beziehungstechnisches, existentielles.
aber auch mitgefühl, fürsorge, psychologisches grundwissen, toleranz, ausdauer und dedication.
außerdem jederzeit penis-witze und schlechte sexuelle anspielungen.

bewerbungen werden ab jetzt angenommen.

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lily is not a flower.

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You know how flowers grow and bloom and smell great and look beautiful?
Delicate and soft, sitting in the garden, 
just waiting for you, handsome stranger, to be looked at and picked up?

I'm not a fucking flower. 
And i won't bloom any time soon, due to your "love".
I've been blooming since the day that i was born. 
Maybe you didnt notice. 
Maybe you still can't see it.
But that's not my problem. 

I don't smell great, 
i stink of sweat and cat poop.
I don't look beautiful, 
i look like a human being 
someone who got over an eating disorder, 
who wears their belly with pride and not shame, 
someone with bags under their eyes 
because i'm working at night,
doing something that i chose to do, 
and you are in no position to judge that.
I'm someone with red pimples and bleeding wounds, 
because i'm a living thing,
 fighting battles and feelings.

I'm not waiting for you.
I have my own things to do,
i have a life, hopes and dreams,
i'm not your manic pixie dream girl.
And you are not a handsome stranger,
you are a creepy guy,
someone who thinks that he loves me,
 but never even really wanted to get to know me.
Someone who left me when it got complicated
and didn't fight at all.

Stop loving the picture of me in your head, 
because that girl is not real, 
she's never even been alive. 
she's a product of you sleepless nights and too many drinks, 
a distorted figure, 
a unrealistic picture loosely based on my existence.

I'm a depressed troll nightmare woman 
and you are a little boy trapped in a grown man's body, 
wanting something from me, that i won't and that i can't offer you.

I'm not art to look at.
I'm a woman with needs and opinions.
I'm not your future wife or the mother of your future children.
I'm not a fucking flower, that you forgot to water
and that's dying of thirst
and you're the only thing that will rescue me.

i'm a zombie walking through your mind
and laying in chains in a corner of your bed,
while you keep typing weird text massages, 
restless and obsessed. 

Stop forcing me to be alive in your universe. 
Let me die,
so that i can finally keep on living.

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still loved

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Im still loved.
I know you stopped loving me, 
or maybe you didnt, 
or maybe you never even loved me in the first place.
But it’s okay, not matter how you felt about me 
or you feel about me now, 
I haven’t changed.
My worth is untouched, 
I’m still loveable, 
no matter how many people love me back 
or leave me forever.
I’m not defined by the people who love me 
or who don’t like me.
I’m defined by who I choose to love, 
who I want to share my life with, 
and oh boy, I loved you lots.
And I shared everything with you, 
trusted you more than anybody else, 
thought we had something special, a connection,
you loved me back, 
you left me anyway.

And that’s okay. 
It has to be okay, 
because if its not, 
nothing else will ever be okay again.
I have to accept, that loving and caring for someone 
means losing them at some point.
You can't keep someone forever, 
nothing is forever,
and everything changes all the time.
It’s rare, that two people 
change the same amount 
in the same time 
and in the same way.

But is it worth it, 
to love, 
if you know that you can only lose?
That there will be no winner in the end, 
just broken hearts and wasted time?
Good memories with a bitter after taste, 
salty tears and the exchange of bad words 
where once trust and hugs ruled?
No matter how and when it ends, 
it will always be worth it.

I refuse to become heartless 
and even more cynical, 
because I keep getting hurt.
I won't let stones weigh me down, 
because I had some bad experiences, 
when I could be flying, 
and having great experiences in the future.
I know that people keep leaving, 
and due to that I’m full of self-doubt and disgust, 
and I can't even be mad at them, 
because we share this hatred for me, 
I can't stand myself either, 
and I would walk away if I could, 
believe me.

So I have no right to blame you for burning bridges.
But we build a beautiful bridge 
and I dare you to find someone 
who carries your soul the way I did.
I’ll suffer now, 
but oh dear, 
you’ll suffer later.
Even though my heart is broken right now, 
I know that I’ll be okay.
I know that I’ll get over it 
and find someone new, 
not to fill the hole that you created, 
but to open up a new one 
so they can leave their very own mark.
I won’t try to replace you, 
I’ll plant flowers on the grave of our friendship 
and they’ll grow into a garden 
that I’ll never visit again.

In the future, I won't deny myself the pleasure of intimacy, 
because I’m scared of loneliness.
I won't stop smiling now, 
just because I know that I will cry later.
I’ll still be open and soft on the inside, 
easy to bend and easier to break, 
because that’s what makes me me 
and I won’t give you the pleasure of changing me, 
making me a different person.
You didn't impress me that much.
And I wont deny new people 
the pleasure in getting to know the original me, 
and not the version that you destroyed and left.

I’ll be great, if you witness it or not.
I’ll be happy without you, 
and sad, not just because of you.
I’m loveable not matter if you’re around or not.
I’m still loved, even though not by you.

And no, I wont just ignore the fact that you're gone, 
I wont just move on and pretend like nothing happened, 
I’ll pause everything, 
fall down on my knees and cry, 
because I’m me, 
because I care and I’m not afraid to still care, 
even though you stopped caring about me.
I’ll be sad and angry and lonely, 
and that’s okay. 
I’ll have all of those feelings 
and I’ll cry a few times about you, 
and that’s okay. 
Because I rather care too much and too long, 
than never at all, 
and I rather still think about you everyday 
with a tear in my eye, 
than to forget everything we had.

I’m not impressed by your lack of emotion and regret, 
I pity you for not being able to feel enough, 
for having to hide and be strong,
because I allow myself to be weak 
and to break down for someone, 
that mattered to me.
I can’t say, if you really don’t care anymore 
or if you’re just scared of getting hurt, 
but look at me, 
I’m not scared, 
I put everything out there for you to see and to judge, 
and it was no mistake, 
because some day someone will come along 
and see the beauty in my faults 
and cherish the things I can give, 
in a way that you obviously couldn’t.

I feel sad for myself, 
because I thought of you as a friend 
and as it turns out, 
you were just a traveler, 
stranded in my life by mistake. 
And I feel sad for you, 
because you missed the opportunity of being my friend, 
of listening to my bad jokes and my bad advice.
well, we all make mistakes and shit happens.
I know I’m far away from being perfect,
but at least I’ve always been loyal, bitch.

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Pay me and i'll love you

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One month as a sex worker, the story so far.

About a month ago I had my interview for a very…interesting, maybe unusual job.
And it went great, I got it after about one hour of talking and explaining.
We mostly talked about my background, my motivation, a bit about my experiences and they explained to me what I would have to expect and how the whole thing would work.
I have to admit, I was quite unsure at first, a bit afraid and sceptic whether I really wanted to take the job and take a step into this whole new world, that I was not familiar with or just wait for another one, but I talked to two of the closest people in my life and made sure that they were okay with it. One of them was my mother, the other one my boyfriend.

Well, now a short exclaimer, that I didn’t want to leave out:
If you want to take a certain job, try out something new or in general, have to make a decision that influences your whole life, talk with someone about it.
But don’t let them decide for you, you’re the one who’s in charge.
Do what feels right for you, not what your mother expects you to do or what your boyfriend wants you to be.
I was lucky enough to have a mother who let me make my own choices (and mistakes) and would never stand in my way, and I’m clever enough to choose a boyfriend who is also okay with my choice and supports me as much as he can.
Anyway, so I accepted the job offer and took part in an introduction and training, which basically explained all the rules, how far I’m allowed to go, when and how to initiate the contact and the security things, like who I could talk to if I needed help, how to contact authorities, if I met someone who was either underage or a criminal and how I’m obligated to protect the identities and personal details of my clients.
And then all of a sudden, it started.
Now I won’t go into details, because I’m still doing the job and I have to protect my clients and everything involved, but I will talk about how it felt at first and how it influenced my view of the world and my private life.
At first I was of course very insecure and a bit scared, I didn’t know what would happen and how I would react.
But I adjusted very fast and whereas I was overthinking a lot at first, it all came kind of naturally (came…hahha) to me a few days in.
Something that I noticed was, that I tried to create a kind of character for myself to hide behind, to protect my feelings and to keep the experience a job and not an intimate, personal thing, but with time, the character I made for myself and my actual self kind of melted together.
And it wasn’t a bad thing, I still keep the distance between at-work-lili and private-life-lili, but it made the woman I was trying to embody more authentic: if I didn’t just nod and smile the whole time, but reacted sarcastic and fought playfully back.
Now, the good thing is, that with that kind of job, you have a lot of freedom and you’re able to experiment with your sexuality, try new things and just turn off your head and let go.
The bad thing is, that your clients will do the same.
While you can take a break from reality and be someone else for a few hours, they as well leave their day to day life behind and let out the beast or want to live out their darkest fantasies.
Which isn’t always very pleasant.
This shaped my view of the world quite a bit, I’m only 22 and not that experienced with the world and I haven’t met that many people, and most of the people I met there were kinda strange.
There are only 5 types of guys I met so far: the perverted old man, the shy teenager, the outcast nerd, the bored middle-aged man , and the emotional dead player
I can’t even decide which one is the worst, the perverts, who dream of little girls and weird roleplays; the shy teenagers which have never even seen a vagina, who are boring and tough to talk to; the outcast nerd, who wears a fedora, is a meninist and I despite him with every part of my soul, but still have to kiss his ass; the bored middle-aged men, who cheats on his wife and doesn’t care about his kids; or the player, who is arrogant and confident about his abilities as a lover, but is egoistic and has never even heard of the clitoris.
Of course I was expecting this job to have consequences for my private life, my father is mad and disappointed that I’m a sex worker, my mother doesn’t want to hear anything about it and pretends like it doesn’t exist and naturally it had a big influence on my relationship with my boyfriend.
Not talking is always the worst kind of communication, so I did my best to talk openly about it, to let him know when I was working and how I was doing.
Yes, jealousy can be an issue, but if you trust each other and vocalise your fears, it will not sabotage your relationship.
Now, the thing that suffers the most out of all of it, is your sex life.
I have to admit, I struggled switching between work-lili and private-life-lili the first few times, because even though sex was never something too intimate or even ‘holy’ for me, it takes it’s toll on you, if you share that with strangers for example from Monday until Friday and with someone you love on the weekends.
It took me a while, to realise that sex isn’t always sex. Yes, sometimes it’s just a fuck and just pleasure and lust, but with someone like my boyfriend even a rough quickie is never just fucking, but always (excuse the cheesy-ness) love making.
With strangers it’s bend-me-over-penis-in-vagina-in-out-orgasm-done, with him it’s so much more than that, and it still keeps growing (not just his dick). When I’m with him, I’m not work-lili, not thinking about what I need to do to make it better for the man or how to talk the dirtiest dirt to keep the clients coming back, with him I’m smiling and comfortable and probably casually watching tv while we do it.

All in all I can say that I do not regret taking this job, and may not always be fun and I certainly won’t get rich that way, but it’s not a “bad” or “dirty” thing to do, it’s a normal job and if I have the choice between doing boring office stuff or making a stranger horny and cum, I’d pick the second option.

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