Look at your face, look at your thighs, look at your life - you my dear, need a make-over! - Part 2 of 2

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(read part 1 here and thank you to all the open-minded and kind-hearted people who wanted to join us and took pictures of their naked faces: you are beautiful)

It’s kinda scary how much power you have over yourself and your life, if you think about it.
It really is a confidence and self-image thing: If you just decide that you’re beautiful – come on, do it right now – if you just wake up one morning and wear what you want and act like you are the sexiest and prettiest person, even if you don’t feel it, even if you have to fake that self-esteem for a little while and just pretend that you like yourself – other people won’t see the difference -  they’ll notice that you feel comfortable in your own skin and see  how you move your body and act and I promise you, that your self-love will influence the way others perceive you.

You shouldn’t try to look good for other people, but for yourself – and I think most of us already do that.
We don’t wear make-up to impress a boy or make some girls jealous, we do it, because it makes us look more like the picture we have of ourselves in the head. It might make you more you and you feel better about yourself and when you feel that way on the inside, it shows on the outside.
An important addition: you’re not a special snowflake because you never wear make-up nor should we shame people who don’t – this is a personal choice and you should do whatever floats your boat and wear the amount you feel comfortable with .
What other people decide to put on their face/or don’t put on their face is none of your business.

The reason you might think other people like you, is because you look attractive – but it’s not, it’is because you look confident, centered and collected and maybe even happy and have a positive vibe around you.
That’s what attracts human beings more then 90/60/90 or muscles or a face sculpted by the gods – it’s not the double D or the big D, but two Cs: Confidence and charisma.

I once had a crush on someone who looked like a Greece god and had the perfect human body and a face beyond beauty. I learned quickly, that he had an awful sense of humor, no empathy or interest for anyone whatsoever and was as arrogant as you can get.
My crush on him disappeared faster than John Green can talk.

Now to come back to my point from the beginning, all good looks and hot butts and nice breast and big penisses don’t matter, if you have the unattractive personality of an asshole.
You can’t change your looks, but you can change your attitude.
That’s something I really want to bring across: looks don’t matter as much as the thoughts in your brain and your behavior towards other people.
Why don’t you compliment someone for an inner quality, for a good idea, a joke, their friendship – yes it’s nice to know that someone likes the way you dress or your lipstick, but clothes change, the memories fade and your hips, your boobs and facial features are not your choice, the way you act is.

You won’t get anywhere when you’re just pretty. But you can achieve a lot with a brain and a heart.

After reading all this, I want you to stop looking in a mirror and start looking into yourself.
Is this what you want to see? Do you like yourself? Are you happy with the way you look?  Is this what you want others to “see”? Can you remember the last time you did something for someone, just for the sake of their happiness? Are you someone you would want to be friends with?

So here’s your make-over in 3 easy steps:
First of all, try to love yourself the way others should love you. Admire your curves, the way your hair feels after a shower, appreciate how your eyes catch the light. Accept your weaknesses and nobody can use them against you.
The second step is – be a good person. Be the best version of yourself you can be. Be gentle and caring, listen and talk back, tell jokes but don’t laugh at other people.
It’s the small things that matter.
A smile, a helping hand, give them your heart, your ear and parts of your brain when they need advice.
Or your butt if you’re into that kinda thing.
And the last step is: be patient. Nothing will change overnight, not you, neither humanity, you have to take small steps and it’s a bit of work, but you’ll see, that it’s worth it.

You are not your face or your cup size or your weight, you’re your decisions and feelings and passions and people won’t like you for your looks, but for your love.
Your appearance does not define your present or your future, has nothing to do with the people you want to be surrounded with, your right of a great job or your possibility to be happy.
Watch this:

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