I'm a man, so .... i'm a woman, that means....

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"I hate being friends with other women, they are always bitching around and so stressful  - i rather be friends with guys, they are so chilled1!11!11"

"It's great to have so many female friends, they can go shopping with me and gossip 11!!11"

"Having male friends is so important to me, finally someone to who understands my passion for video games, girls just don't get 1!!1!!11"

"Ugh, i need to befriend more girls, none of the boys can talk about feelings and all that other girly stuff 1111!!!!1"

I love those sentences. I really do.
They stand for everything in today's society i want to fight against.

Being a man or a woman means nothing except for the fact that that human being identifies as either a man or a woman but it says nothing about their personality, behaviour or hobbies.
It doesn't even tell you anything about their genitals, not about their sexual preferences or their favorite colour.

Do i really need to tell you,that there are men who are perfectly fine with talking about emotional issues and women, who couldn't care less about fashion and make-up?
Is it necessary to remind you, that there are men you hate sports and computer games and girls who rather spent there weekend in front of the playstation, drinking beer, than talking about their love life?

All those stereotypes mean nothing and you are not a special snowflake for being "different than the other girls" or dumb for being girly and enjoying certain activities.

I thought that this was easy to understand, but some people out there still feel the need to categorize and generalize other because of their gender and i can't even express how wrong that is.
This is beyond hurting feelings, this is a matter of knowledge and logic.

Think about it that way - it is impossible for all people who identify as a female to be the same and unlikely for them to be in any way alike just because of their gender.
There are millions of people on this planet and yes, many of them share interests, personality traits, facial features and even experiences, but not necessarily because of their gender (unless oppressors force rules and stereotypes upon a certain group who share one or more traits like their gender, skin colour or religion, but this is a whole other topic we probably will discuss at some point in the future).

Nobody benefits from these stereotype,s but men and women suffer because of the discrepancy between the expectations of others and their own wishes and beliefs.

My point is, don't. Just don't. Don't feed the patriarchy with your behaviour or thoughts.


there will be some blog posts about sexuality, gender (and everything you want to read or write about) in terms of this topics in the following week -
I'll try my best to write something about it, but i'm the jon snow of sexual orientation and gender issues, so please, if you are interested in writing about it or know things the world should know, contact me via facebook or twitter or in the comments and you can give your words a place to be heared and (almost) every opinion will get published \o/

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