glass of water


last time i wrote love letters to him,
begging to be loved, fighting for a future.
i was sad, yes, heartbroken, probably, but still full of love and hope.
and now there's just the overwhelming feeling of loss,
an emptyness in my chest thats pressing down on my heart.
a lost cause, a lost love, a lost life i had planned out in my head.
it's like i accidentally dropped a glass of water
and now the floor is wet and there a shards of glass everywhere
and i try to undo it, i just had it in my hand,
i need this glass of water to live, i need to drink it to survive -
but no matter what i do, ill never be able to put the fragents back together,
i'm unable to repair this glass, no matter what i do,
i cant get it back the way it was before, or the water back into it,
ill just stare at the floor almost surprised
that everything i had in my hand is just gone in a second and
i feel my socks getting wet and my face too.


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