1.Are you a feminist?

2.Why (not)?


  1. Yes, because women (all women, no matter the colour, sexuality, gender or background) deserve equal rights and it's about fucking time that they get it. But feminism is more than only about women. It's about crushing hurtful patriarchal structures that discriminate and kill people on a daily basis. Feminism is about equal chances, it's about acceptance of sexualities and gender identities. It's about creating a world where you can be who you are and be healthy, safe, happy and successful if you're not straight, white, male and well off.

  2. 1) Yes, I would say so, but I don't think that I'm a very good feminist. I'm trying, though.
    2) Because I think that everyone today should be a feminist. People who say that they aren't feminists often don't know what feminism really is or they have an idea about feminism that is not true. In the past, I thought "hey, stop, why feminism? We should promote egalitarianism, or else I (as a man) will be disadvantaged!" Back then, I didn't know what feminism is. I thought feminists are all women who try to turn patriarchy into matriarchy. In fact, feminism is (at least one aspect of) egalitarianism. Feminism isn't an ideology that tries to oppress men (hello, it's called feminism, not anti-masculinism, don't be so self-centred), it is solely asking for equality of genders. And people who say that feminism isn't necessary anymore because genders are coequal by law don't understand that there are kinds of sexism that are much more subtle than those that can be eradicated by politicians.

  3. yes because it's freakin' common sense

  4. 1) No.
    2) I think feminism is good and worthy to support, but I personally don't need a label or name to recognize oppression (especially of women) to or to fight against it. I was educated liberally. It is a matter of course, to treat all people equally.

  5. 1.) Yes
    2.) Because everyone who identifies as a woman deserves all the rights men have. It's not only the big things like voting (in countries where women aren't allowed to), but also things like not shaving legs or being topless at the beach.

  6. 1) Yes, at least I try to be. People don't take me seriously when I say that I'm a feminist. They think I don't understand it, because I'm too young (I'm 16).
    2) (So I try my best to explain my opinion, but my engish isn't so good, but I hope you understand my message)
    Because I want that women have the same rights as men.
    I'm scared when I walk home alone when it's already dark outside. Sometimes I'm afraid to wear a dress in the summer, because my parents and my school taught me do not "dress like that, because it's more attractive for men". Because when men don't wear a T-Shirt at the beach its "normal", but when a woman doesn't wear one it's a scandal.
    Every woman deserve equal rights, and that's why I'm a feminist.

  7. 1) Well, regarded from a logical point of view, I am a feminist. I just do not call myself one.
    2) I think I have to explain the first point, because it sounds kind of weird to say it like I did. I do not call myself a feminist, because I hate labels in every way. I am not heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual - most likely I could say I am pansexual, but I do not do it, because like I said: I hate labels and I fail to see, why I should use them for the sake of others. But yes, regarded from a logical point of view, I am a feminist, because I want equal rights for every human being.
