How i feel now

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It’s been over 2 months.
It didn’t felt like that much time at all.
I still feel the same as before, but different at the same time. It’s so hard to explain.
What you experience at the place where I experienced my experience, is 
not even remotely comprehensible if you weren't there.

I know what everyone expects me to say now:
I feel so much better. Everything makes sense now. I feel like somebody finally understood what my problem was and even though I can’t be ‘cured’, I’m able to handle it now.
I’m gonna do things. I’m gonna do all the things. 

Not today and not tomorrow, but eventually. 
It will be painful and stressful and much more effort than I want it to be, but I’ll do everything I always wanted to do, because I deserve it and the demon inside of me won’t stop me. Not this time. 
It’ll make me slow down and boycott me and oh boy it’ll make me suffer. But I’ll get through it and I will do it nevertheless at some point.
I’m not healed. I never will be. I didnt even rip off all my old, blooddrained band-aids, I didn’t dare to open up enough to let every nightmare out of my system. The poisen is still in me. And it will kill me, but not today and not tomorrow.
I used to say 'i’ll do it tomorrow’, I can’t do it today’ and now I’ll say ‘I’ll do it today,’ ‘there must be something I’m able to do today’ and i will say 'yes' and do it.
i'm full of new found hope and maybe my life won't be perfect, but it is worth living and it'll be the best life it can be.

That’s what you want to read.That’s what I want to write.
But the truth is:
I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared of being alone again, of being on my own, of moving out and fail doing those small things. I’m afraid of walking into the kitchen at 2am and opening the fridge and then closing it and sliding down to the floor and just suffering from existing with this ungraspable fear and loneliness inside of me.
I don’t think  I can do any of the things other people do, i don't want to feel the way i feel anymore.

It’s so…complicated. I’m screaming at the top of my lungs at nothing, I’m crying hysterically at nothing, because there is nothing in front of me, that scares me in particular, it’s everything mushed together. 

The great big ordinary. The daily life. Life.
It would be so much easier to accept my fears, if I had to face something scary and recognizable dangerous, a dragon, a monster, an operation, a trip, something that feels…more real. 
Something that existed not only in my head.
It would be so much easier, if I could just point on the big angry dragon beside me and say: 
'Sorry I seem to be a bit messed up, I’ve got this big mighty dragon I have to fight any minute now, excuse my shaky hands and my teary eyes.'

And they would understand and nod and maybe smile or in the best case scenario say: 'Oh I had to do that myself, I’ve got a bit of time on my hands, let me help you.'

But there is no dragon or event, there is just boredom and emptiness everywhere. 
Nothing makes sense to me. Why would I want to move out and go to university and force myself to find the courage somewhere in me, scrape it from my insides, to get a job and do the groceries and got to bed early and to leave the bed again and eat? 

It’s all so pointless. It’s so exhausting and I just can't do it.
‘Oh, that’s just depression talking out of you right now, life’s not that bad.’
Thanks. I know. Everybody knows. No matter what happens, if someone broke my heart or I can’t understand humanity and why we all have to fight eachother, everybody always answers ‘It’s just the depression, it’s not you talking, your mind is not in the right place’. 

What does that even mean? 

Does this sentence change everything? 
Am i better now that I know that’s just an illness that clouds my judgement? What if my mind will never be 'in the right place'? Does this make everything i think worthless?

Maybe you are wrong. Maybe all of you are blind, because you can’t see what a shitty place this earth is and how absurd our behavior is.
Nobody seems to get that. Everyone is so busy thinking about their love life or their job or what to do tomorrow and i‘m sitting here like a stranger. I can’t relate to any of those thoughts.

I’ve always put everything off. I’d find friends next month, I’ll start studying next year,i'll shower tomorrow, I’ll leave my bed later- I hoped that inbetween now and then something great would happen. 

The magical moment. 
The stay in the clinic seemed to be that magical time where everything would be okay and I’d be so much better after that. I thought I’d go in there, broken, tired,almost dead, and come out newborn, full of energy and motivation, with a new mindset and positivity.

It obviously didn’t happen. 
I didn’t even expected the full recovery, I just thought maybe I’ll learn some new technics to calm myself, just anything to cling on and not to get blown away by desperation

And here I am now. 
It’s not the same at it was before. I’ve lost hope. 
There’s nothing to look forward now. 
That was my chance and it didn’t bring the change I wished for
I know this blog post leaves such a bad taste in your mouth, at least it does in mine, but I don’t want to pretend. “Tumblr” - here used as a representative of the spirit of this generation - states things like:
Go get help,tell them how you feel, ask for help,show them who you truly are, seek help and that’s the first step of recovery, you’ll be okay!'

Maybe that’s right. But it’s only half the truth. 
Of course, getting your diagnose and treatment is a big, important part, but it’s not a guarantee for anything. 
You can take meds and see a therapist every day and still feel like shit and not get better. Some of us will never get better, because some mental illnesses are chronic and not just temporary.
Most of the time you won’t find a trauma that caused that crack in your brain and without an actual reason it’s hard to find a solution. 

You can treat the symptoms, but without eliminating the trigger, you’ll never be "free”.

It sounds harsh and like something a frustrated teenager would write, but i'm not frustrated nor a teenager anymore. 

That’s the way it is,at least from my perspective. You can sugarcoat it, but that’s just lying to yourself.
Sometimes all the help you get just isn’t enough.

You have to be strong enough and motivated enough to fight against it every day,you have to find the will to not give in and find happiness in in the small things of life, find every day something that makes you keep going - or you just give up.

I don’t know what to do now.
What’s expected of me, what I want and what I need, are three different things. 
I don’t feel better and I’m so fucking afraid of keep on living, I have no clue what to do or how to handle anything -

But I guess I’ll just carry on with life.

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