Sorry, i can't hang out with you

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I want to go. 
But i can't. 
My friends tell me to do it. 
My therapist encourages me. 
I want to do it.
But at the same time I don’t.
I know I wont go.
 I could go. 
I could still be there in time if I leave the house right now. 
If I just go now, nobody will now that I struggled 8 hours 
to make the decision whether to participate in that event or not.
I had all day to prepare myself mentally, but I still chicken out.

I’m so frustrated, 
i snap at my best friend and punch the nearest object. 
It’s a wall. 
Could have been worse, it could have been a person. 
The blood streaming down my hand feels good. 
It shouldn’t, but it does. 
It feels like power, like control, something i've been fighting for every second for years now.
I look at the blood dripping down my wrist and then wash it off.
I take my phone out of my backpocket und type in a message:
“sorry, I can’t make it, something else came up smiley face, heart emoji”
I turn the phone off because I already know that I wont like the answer. 
I go back to my bed, lay down and cry.

It’s always the same.
I’ll make plans.
I’ll be excited and hopeful. 
It will be fun. 
It will be great. 
I’ll be able to do it this time.
The day arrives, I fail.

I don’t know which part of me it is, that keeps me from enjoying my life, that makes me a coward and a terrible person to be around, that chains me to this f*cking house and makes me a prisoner of my own mind.
I just can't understand it.
I probably wouldn’t even panic outside. 
I probably wouldn’t hate hanging out with people. 
It probably would be fine. 
And even if I’d get a panic attack, they would be understanding and supportive 
and I wouldn’t die or embarres myself too much or anger them or disappoint anyone but myself.
- I can tell myself that, but I just can’t believe in it.

It’s not just those obvious things, it’s everything going on on the inside.
I can look like the most calm and content person, laying in the sunshine 
and at the same time there’s a war going on inside my body.
No matter what I do, I’m just not able to enjoy it at all. 
I keep worrying and thinking over every single detail that could go wrong 
and the fear eats me up alive. 
I’m so tired and exhausted, because I can’t shut my f*cking thoughts off for just one minute. 
I’m having the worst headache, because the stereotypical darkness in my head is so heavy, 
and the migrane won’t go away, because every little bit of light, every bright thought, is blinding me.

I’m so angry at myself for letting other people down and for not being able to get my shit together and my butt out of my comfort zone 
I can’t change it but neither I'm i able to accept that.
I’m so embarrassed and uncomfortable with myself and with what that illness does to me,
and I have no idea how to tell new people or old friends about my problem.

So I just cancel everything, go to bed in the middle of the day and write about it on the internet.

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