Tell me what it’s like a woman

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Tell me what it’s like to be me,
Tell me how safe it is to leave the house alone at night, to meet up with strangers,
how I’m a coward for not putting myself in danger for you.

Tell me that I’m dumb for drinking a little bit too much in a club,
to wear something a bit more revealing than you’re comfortable with,
tell me how I’m supposed to feel, where I’m able to go and where my safe spaces are.

Tell me how easy it is for me, because apparently every guy wants to have sex with me, tell me how great online dating must be for me, because I get 1000  messages every day, tell me how it’s so comfortable to be a woman nowadays with feminism and all those gentlemen with their fedoras out there,who are concerned for my well-being.

Tell me that it doesnt make sense how i take nude pictures but don't want everyone to see me naked, tell me that I’m a bad person for putting my naked body on the internet,
tell me I’m a bitch because I love myself more than I love you,
tell me I’m arrogant because I’m learning to accept my body the way it is.

Tell me what I should look like, how to style my hair,where to shave,
to smile even though I don’t feel like it,
print out the same photoshopped, emotionless face 27398 times and put it every where for me to look at it and feel awful just so that I buy your products,
tell me how big my boobs should be, how imperfect my body is and how I need to fix it to please men, come on - put the fantasies of strangers above my self-esteem and my health.

Tell me how I should behave or speak  because of my genitals, 

judge women by their genitals, 
of course you decide who’s allowed to call themself a woman, 
please talk about our genitals without our consent, 
touch us, judge us, just never leave us alone.

Tell me that I’m “one of the boys”, for liking certain things and disliking others,
tell me how I’m so much better and different than other girls, 
when we’re all wonderful and you’re a dickhead for using us against each other.
Feel sorry for me, because I’m realistic and not romantic, because I believe in temporary good times and not in forever-til-death-tears-us-apart.

Tell me to chill,when I’m passionate about something or fighting for our rights, 
tell me to meet up for Netflix and chill and be angry when I don’t want to have sex with you, but eat chips and pizza and watch grey's anatomy,
tell me at the same time how stupid I am for assuming that every guy just wants that one thing from me.
Come over in the middle of the night for Netflix and chill and be surprised when I want to have sex with you, patronize me, assume my needs and wishes or life choices because of my gender.

Tell me how I should feel about men, how feminism is not important anymore or how I should be grateful for not getting raped all the time even though I wear short dresses and I’m out after dark. 
Tell me that I should be ashamed because I like to flirt and be touched, 
how I see a different guy every weekend and kiss more girls than you ever will.
Tell me that it’s my duty to have sex with you again, because I said yes that one time, how I’m not allowed to say no and withdraw, 

Act like it's weird that I’ll punch you if you touch me without my consent, and how I don’t enjoy catcalling, because I actually should be flattered for getting attention.

Tell me that I need to have children, with how many people or when I should be performing sexual acts, what i'm allowed to show or talk about with other people and what i want to keep to myself -  tell me with whom I'm supposed to share my body.

Tell me that I need to stay thin, need to wear make-up and dress up to be worth anything, tell me I’m not allowed to enjoy marvel or computer games, 

call me a fake geek girl, a slut, a prude, a whore, a nun, your baby, your princess or your other half, because I’m not whole on my own.

Tell me what it's like to be a woman. 

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