comedy out of crisis - Part 2 of 2

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On a scale from Joey Tribbiani to Chandler Bing,
 how happy are you?

And on the same scale, 
how great is your ability to create jokes?

We all know comedians who killed themselves.
It’s not unknown, that many famous, funny people suffer with mental  problems.
It’s almost general knowledge, how many talented (wo)men, that make a whole crowd laugh every night, need alcohol, drugs and medication to make it through the day.

Listen, about what do those people joke? 
About their shitty childhood? A missing parent? 
About being unpopular and ‘special’? 
About being unlucky in love? 
About their appearance? About being too fat, too small, too stupid, too naïve?
Where do you think those jokes come from?

Have you ever thought that this could be a coping mechanism?

When you feel like you have nothing else you can offer this world, not enough beauty, just average intelligence, no special talents, humor can be your thing. 
As soon as you are able to see beyond the wall of hopelessness and self-hatred, you may decide to turn your torture into a show. Sometimes it’s not even a conscious decision, but more a psychological process of how your brain deals with hard times.

Don’t get me wrong, being funny is not easy. It would be so much easier to lay in bed and cry all day, on the other hand, in that case you have to open up, admit defeat and acknowledge your problems and let them get to you and so many people are –for so many different reasons - not able to do that.

Jokes make such a good armour, you can hide everything behind them and create a cartoon character of yourself so no one ever has to see how damaged  and insecure you really are. 
If you spent the first few years of your life being laughed at, it feels so good to say something people can laugh about.
You have the choice wether you want to make your flaws your biggest weakness or wether you make them the punch line of your jokes. You can try to hide them or you wear them in front of you, so no one can hold them against you. 
Make the dirtiest joke about the size of your boobs, so no one else can say it first and hurt you. 
Tell the most macabre anecdote about your alcoholic father who used to hit you and left your mum – no one will be able to say something meaner than you just did.
To have this power, this control to make everyone in the room see and maybe even like you, just a few perfectly chosen words in the right moment can make you feel so much better.

I'd like to intruduce to you the genius
that is Bo Burnham,
who wrote and performed
an unbelievable show called "What"
which you can watch on netflix
and youtube and which
is not only extremely witty,
incredible insightful and funny,
but will also make you think.

highly recommend to watch it all, 
but here are his songs "We Think We Know You"  and "Sad" ,
in case you don't have time to watch it all.


source of the picture; from the page, visited 14/11/14

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