the toaster-thoughts

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In my bedroom hangs a lot of stuff, but one picture hangs right above my bed, which has always been very important to me:
It says  'if you want a guarantee, buy a toaster' by Clint Eastwood.
This quote has been a running gag in my family for years now, because i'm really in the need of a "toaster".

Doesn't make sense? Let me explain:
I'm one of those people who want everything to work out exactly like planned. I'm not spontanous, not easy-going, i don't adjust well to a new situation.
A promise means nothing to me, i need proof.
I'll do things rather myself instead of letting them be done by someone else, because i know i can to it better and faster. I don't trust people and I need a guarantee for everything.
Like you can imagine, i get disappointed a lot.
Almost nothing every works out like i thought it would.
Life is unpredictable.

Now, the thing about promises and quarantees is, they bring hope.
Not only hope, but they bring out faith and motivation in people. if i know what waits for me at the end of the journey, i'm more likely to do it.
If i'm promised a certain result, i'll find a way to make it through.
I can motivate myself enough and find this little bit of faith in me, that i need to stay strong and positiv, if i only know, that it will be worth it.
And that's the problem.

This little word with the 4 letters, not love but hope, is everything a human being needs to survive.
Not everything, okay, but apart from oxygen and water it's the most important thing.
You can be loved and popular and famous and rich and intelligent and beautiful and funny, without hope you're nothing.
Hope gets you through stuff, keeps you going - hope is the strongest force in this universe.
Love is nothing without hope.
You fall in love because you hope for a great relationship, you work through crisis in a relationship, because you hope for your happy ending, you keep waking up every morning, because you hope that things get better.
Hope is everything.
Hope is what keeps you alive during depression, hope makes you eat even though you want to starve yourself, hope gives cancer patient the strength they need to keep breathing.

Hope is a warm and fuzzy feeling, hope feels like fresh from a toaster.
Hope is not a guarantee but it is enough to hold onto life.

It is true, you don't have a guarantee in life and you are not entitled to get or deserve anything.
All you can do is have faith in yourself and maybe god and that can give you the power to start doing things to reach your destination and even if you don't make it, hope lets you find another way and other oportunities.

I wish i could buy hope like a toaster.

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