A poem about the world we live in

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I have 
three friends who have been raped,
two friends who have been touched 

below the waist without their consent,
one friend who went to the police
and I am so afraid.

I have 
four friends who have been catcalled this week, 
three friends who had strangers touch them on the train in the last 3 days, 
two friends who were scared to go out at night yesterday 
one friend who just called me on her way home because she didn’t want to walk alone
and  today I am so frustrated.

I have 
five friends who are boys,
four of them are straight,
three of them have sisters, who they had to defend at least once against violent men,
two of them are worried about the safety of their girlfriends,
one of them has been raped last summer
and I am still so angry.

I have 
six friends who are feminists,
five friends who work hard to change society,
four friends who have been threatened because of their beliefs,
three friends who didn’t have a choice about their first sexual experience,
two friends who now fear any sexual contact,
one friend who was supposed to have her first time with her first love
she had a girlfriend at that time, but he didn’t even care
and I am so sad.

I have
seven friends who deserve justice,
six friends who shouldn’t be brave to leave the house at night,
five friends who were supposed to be able to wear what they want,
four friends who wouldn’t have made it without therapy,
three friends that want their innocence back,
two friends who would have deserved a choice about what happens with their bodies that night,
one friend who could still be alive
and I, i am so afraid.

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