Down days full of doubts or an open letter to Zoe Sugg

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I feel pressured writing something about how to cope with pressure and how not to let the stress bring you down. Isn’t that ironic.

It seems to me, that all these things I want to say have already been written down hundreds of times.
But still, people feel the need to apologise for having negative experiences, for being not perfect or happy 24/7 or for not having ‘their shit together’.
And I know, this is no new information nor a surprise, when I say: It’s normal not to be fine all the time and it shouldn’t be a taboo to talk about it, if you’re feeling unwell.
We already know this, we’ve heard it already somewhere, but deep down in your brain you don’t really believe it or your parents taught you something else or you’re too embaressed to show weakness.
So maybe it needs to be emphasized more: It’s okay to feel down, to have doubts, to be sad, frustrated or angry.
Whatever it is, if it has an actual cause or if it’s a sudden mood, no matter what anyone might say, it is a legitimate thing and should be taken as seriously as you want it to be.

You as a human being have every right to feel the way you’re feeling.
You don’t need anyone’s permission to make “mistakes” and you can forget about anyone, who makes you feel bad for being “flawed”. I’m using quotation marks, because the things you may call mistakes or flaws are actually character traits we all have, some are only better at hiding them from you.

For a ‘public person’, as a youtuber with over 5 million subscribers, as a successful woman and teen idole, Zoe Sugg feels a lot of pressure to satisfy the expectations of her viewers as well as her own.

It’s hard, when you have a  picture of yourself or the person you aspire to be in your head and you believe   that you need to be a certain way to please other people but sometimes you just can’t do it.
You feel like a failure, like you disappointed not only yourself but millions of other people who look up to     you.

  The important thing is, you don’t.

Zoe, people don’t look up to you because everything you do is perfect and you are happy all the time and have everything together. That would be first of all boring and second of all it’s impossible. We like you, because we can relate to you and even though we may try to be more like you it’s comforting to see, that you are just as human as we are.

I personally think she handles all that attention and pressure so well and I’m very proud of her, despite the fact I don’t really know her and it actually doesn’t matter what one single viewer thinks anyway.
But I know that I’m not the only one, who respects her for what she does and she’s not the only one who feels overwhelmed at times.
And that’s the point of this post.

You, who reads this right now, are struggeling.
I know this, because I am too. We all do.
We all are trying to cope with change, confusing feelings and with finding our place in this world -If it’s about your future job, the person you fancy and you want so bad to be at their side right now or you’re tired and stressed and just want to go to bed – we all are trying to get to this one place in the world, that we might fit in perfectly.
You can work on some of those things, but you have no influence on others.
Accept it and it’ll lower the pressure.
I want you to know, that everything actually will be alright at some point.
Allow yourself to be upset. It’s okay.

In conclusion: our sense of perfection is the only thing that’s really imperfect and in the need of revision.
We are no robots, we are flawed and that’s why we should not judge, but respect and help out .
I hope that you’ll feel better soon.

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