'People are strange' - the doors

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About being open (to everyone) and not close (to anyone) – the metaphor of the door

People are like doors.
Some of them let you in, others never open up to you - and then there exist those that are a bit open, wide enough to place your foot inside the door frame or a hand or maybe your penis and they’ll stay that way for unpredictable time.
Sometimes those doors close within years, or you take your body part back and shut them yourself, sometimes they swing wide open all of a sudden or move quietly in the background until you accidentally stumble in.

We all live in a world full of doors.
Some people only have one door in their “house”, even though they never open it, others various.
Some people have one hand in this door, the other one in that, their left foot in one and their right foot in another and even their head somewhere else.
Some people are in the room behind one special door and will probably never leave.
Others are like hotel guests, spending short eternities or long moments in different rooms, never too long but always with their whole self.

His door and my door don’t make a home.
There are times in my life, where I’ve find myself in a hallway full of doors, struggling to find the right one, ending up torn between different ones, my feet bruised and the bones crushed,  my head full of different voices, but my heart outworn and empty.
I had homeruns, marathons, mazes, sprints and shortcuts, took the emergency exit or got kicked out, left with a smile on my lips or a tear in the eye, slamming my door loudly or closing it carefully.

Doors are more than just options or opportunities.
It can be hard to decide which door to close and which to hold open,
when it’s time to leave or time to try harder.
I’ve been in many doors and many different stages, but never in the room behind it.
Nobody asked me in, on the other hand, I never invited whoever stood in my door frame.
The "door" doesn’t answer questions or talks back and is above all very mysterious to most people; most of the time you may not even realize who’s foot is secretly in your door, because you stare at the doorknob of someone else or  he won’t notice on who’s doorstep you’ve been camping for weeks, sleeping there like a homeless dog , because he is busy drooling on someone else’s doormat.

Remember, that people are not only doors, but windows and walls.
Sometimes they have more to offer than you can see from the outside,
sometimes there’s nothing behind that door but old dust and hot air.
Some doors need to be first closed to open again, through some you’ll never fit, no matter how much you change. Others will grow with you or around you.

You don’t have to be open for everything, but try to be close to someone.
Don’t lock your door, but remember to change the locks every now and then,
don’t let a thief break in, but let someone steal your heart.

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